Monday, July 28, 2008

Sound clips, not bagels

I attended PodCast Boston a week and a day ago, and it gave me all sorts of ideas.

Because I consider myself to be a "content provider", that is a producer rather than a merchant or consumer, I decided to try to make some content and sell it online, a bit like a bagel vendor. 

But I am hawking sound clips that I have composed.  Yes, I know that other people do this (at outrageous prices, too!), but nobody offers the clips that I make but me, for better or worse.

These are tiny compositions and are cranky or delicate; some are just weird. 

Check out my site: Your Own Web Music

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Waiting for Random House

I wrote to Random House about a month ago to ask for permission to use part of Gift from the Sea as the text for a piece of music.  I used snail mail, because that's what I always have done in the past.  I am dying to get started composing, but still no word from the publishers.  I don't see why this should take so long - there's no risk to them, after all.

This is why I most often write my own texts these days.

However, the Anne Morrow Lindbergh words are beautiful and worth waiting for, I guess...

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Playing with Picassa

I'm working on putting up a web site, and in playing with Picassa, I created the image you see here. You wouldn't believe how rudimentary the image was before I worked it over digitally. Nice, Eh?

Monday, July 21, 2008

Go and see this play!

First, a disclaimer - I am the father of the director of the play(Gerritt Turner), and not the most unbiased bloke on my block, therefore.

Check out the web site:  Self-portrait As Schiele

The play is in the NY Fringe Festival in August.  I have read versions of the script as it was in progress, and it looks pretty interesting.  A woman in a hospital keeps seeing Egon Schiele, the great expressionist artist.  He infects her with Schiele memes, and very odd things happen to her and the other characters.

Having read the script, I can't wait to see this thing.  In person it should be ten times better.


Quite a day of Web 2.0 action

Whew!  Setting up Facebook, looking at Tweeter messages, fielding emails, some from old friends and some from new ones (PodCamp Boston 2008), etc.

The caricature that I did of myself has turned out to be quite useful:

Very small self-portrait

I am using it for Tweeter, FaceBook, and Technorati.

This stuff is exhilarating, actually.  Today I had two ideas for micro-businesses for myself as a content provider.

Time to get to work on those.